Passing Google's Above-the-Fold CSS

January 25, 2018
Vince Bolhuis

Front-end developer Vince Bolhuis shares how adding Critical to your project workflow can help pass Google's above-the-fold CSS and boost SEO scores.

Digital Marketing

Editors Note: Based on the reactions I received on this blog, I thought I'd share how to pass Google's eliminating render-blocking resources task to boost page performance, here.

A great way to measure web performance for mobile and desktop is to use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. It fetches a URL and returns a score that falls into one of three categories:

  • Good
  • Needs Work
  • Poor

The score is based on 10 optimization techniques web developers should consider when creating a solid front-end workflow. One of the trickiest optimization techniques to pass is the dreaded eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content.  Let’s explain what this means and how to pass the CSS portion with flying colors.

CSS Above-the-fold vector

What it Means

Above-the-fold content is the portion of the webpage that is visible in a browser window when the page first loads. Google wants to see inline CSS extracted from your main CSS file and injected into the head tag, allowing everything you see first to be loaded first. This is perilous when you have a bloated CSS file that may create some page flicker on load because the file size is so substantial.

The Easy Fix

Setting up your project in a way you can manipulate output is the first step. I’m not going to go into too much detail on project structure, but a solid workflow for web developers is to have a development folder with expanded content for editing and a production folder you can output, compress, and manipulate for performance. We’re using Node.js and Gulp in our example to achieve this format.

Once Node.js and Gulp are set up into your project, you can use the NPM (node package manager) library and search for a package titled “Critical” that can be added to your project Gulp file. We will use Critical to do all the heavy lifting, because it ensures exactly what Google requests. It extracts the CSS from the main file and injects it into the head of the HTML (above the fold).

Install Critical into your project and take a look at the output configuration options that come with Critical. Here is an example of how it could look in your project’s gulpfile.js file:

<p> CODE:</p>

Options Explained:

  • inline: Set this to "true" and generate the CSS styles to be inline
  • base: Directory path in which the source and destination are to be written
  • src: Location of the HTML source to be operated against
  • dest: Location of where to save the output of an operation
  • minify: Enable minification of generated critical-path CSS
  • dimensions: Determine the target screen sizes for desktop and mobile

After adding the Critical task, you can now run the command “gulp critical” to generate all the CSS above-the-fold content into your production HTML file.

Ta-da, that’s it!


Following the basic SEO web standards Google provides can help give businesses a better SEO score and the competitive advantage that comes with it. There are many simple solutions like this that will boost your SEO rank, so don’t skip out on doing the research and taking the time to produce a high-quality digital product.